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Customer Support
Published on: 15 November 2015
Descendant tree HTML format with hyperlinks to social media
When our daughter Melanie was six years old, my wife said “My brother Kevin is coming to visit us.”
“Kevin is your brother?” Melanie exclaimed, “I thought he was my uncle!”
Family trees can be confusing for little minds, and big ones too. Charts help explain relationships to your family and friends.
We are pleased to announce an exciting and engaging new way to display your research: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). HTML is how Web pages are built. Now you can publish Ancestor and Descendant trees directly in HTML, ready for sending by email, or uploading to a Website.
If you include Facebook, Twitter or other social media links, a button will appear next to the family member’s photo (as in the example at right). The button can be clicked to instantly link to a Facebook page. What a great way to keep a family connected! Click to see an example (scroll down).
Click for more information. See how to add Facebook buttons to your genealogy.
Get Charting Companion today.
Charting Companion charts will make you a hit with your relatives, and the star of your next family reunion.
Pierre Clouthier
President, Progeny Genealogy
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