How big can a PDF be?

Published on: 19 May 2011

The PDF technology used by Progeny can create a PDF file of unlimited size. (Well, almost unlimited: 231 pixels to be exact. At 600DPI, that’s about 3,579,139 inches).

However, not all PDF readers are able to display large PDF files.

We recently did some tests, and have some interesting findings.

Here are the largest PDF files that can be read by some of the more popular PDF readers. It seems to be the overall surface area that is the limiting factor.

Adobe Reader Foxit Brava! Cool PDF
36″ x 200″ 36″ x 259″ 45″ x 258″ 45″ x 258″
80″ x 150″ 80″ x 150″ 80″ x 150″ 80″ x 150″
66″ x 180″ 66″ x 182″ 66″ x 182″ 66″ x 182″

Do you have a favorite PDF reader that we can test? Send us your suggestions.

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