Charting Companion now available for OneGreatFamily

Published on: 29 May 2011

Progeny’s Charting Companion is now available for the popular on-line OneGreatFamily genealogy site.

As OneGreatFamily’s Website says:

OneGreatFamily is a cooperative effort between you and the rest of the world. It is an online genealogical service which allows everyone to combine their knowledge and data to build one huge, shared database. OneGreatFamily is more than a simple collection of different family trees. Using breakthrough technology, OneGreatFamily is actually linking all of the family trees together into one great family.

With the world working together on one database, each individual is able to leverage the effort and research of all OneGreatFamily users rather than wasting time duplicating research that others have already done.

With Charting Companion for OneGreatFamily, you can publish and share your research with these great-looking charts:

Update 23 Aug 2023: Discontinued because of diminishing OneGreatFamily customer base.

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